What to look for in a telehealth vendor
Roland Therriault, president and executive vice president of sales at InSync Healthcare Solutions, says it’s important for a forward-thinking telehealth vendor to offer the following
Your future telehealth program
Building a plan beyond the pandemic
The safest way to fire a staff member
Follow these 4 suggestions to gracefully and safely let an employee go
ODs can fill need for postconcussion vision rehab
Educate providers, build a referral network, and add tools of the trade
Tips for preventing ocular zoom fatigue
Embrace, don’t fear, AI in diabetic retinopathy
Automated detection of disease helps patients as well as doctors
Using surveys to help manage dry eye disease
Patient questionnaires differ in length, focus, and validity
From pipeline to prescription: New drug approval process
FDA review pathway looks to balance innovation with data review
OCT in glaucoma management: Green isn’t always clean
Avoid color-scheme bias and vet all data before making treatment decisions