New practice? No problem!: Seasoned practice owners give practice management advise
Practice owners testify to the importance of trying new things, not being afraid to fail, and utilizing community as a resource when starting up a new practice.
VEW 2024: What to know when starting a speciality contact lens practice
Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO, outlines the essentials to starting a speciality contact lens practice, including speciality competency and accessing resources.
VEW 2024: Survey assesses best practice behaviors to help retain contact lens wearers
September 19th 2024The Contact Lens Institute research found that both new and long-term wearers of contact lenses were positively impacted by their eye care providers allowing adequate chair time during exams, among other factors.
CIME 2024: The Patient Whisperers cofounders share social media secrets in keynote presentation
May 4th 2024The Patient Whisperers Cofounders Lauren Weaver and Christine Scarlett gave their keynote presentation "The Secret to Crazy Growth: Defining Your Identity on Social Media," at the 2024 Controversies in Modern Eye Care meeting May 4 in Los Angeles, California.