Management options offer promising solutions for patients with hemianopic field loss
Optical devices and rehabilitation training can improve a patient’s quality of life.
UV protection for the eyes: What patients need to know
Tips for talking to patients about sun protection.
Cutting back on screen time for the sake of myopia management
Understanding and balancing digital exposure in children can reduce myopia progression.
Corneal conditions: Importance of early detection and management
Connecting optometry and the retina subspecialty
An optometrist describes her journey as the first retina optometrist in Colorado.
The power of social media: Attracting younger generations to your practice
Showcasing your practice’s eyewear collections plays a huge role in your success and helps differentiate you from your competitors.
The white cane and beyond
Navigation and orientation technologies offer practical solution for people with vision loss.
That’s some nerve! Ocular drug delivery and dry eye
There’s more to dry eye treatment than eye drops.