AAOpt 2023: Data shows new multifocal can meet the dynamic vision needs of presbyopic patients


Hear how this daily disposable silicone hydrogel option fits patients' busy and active lifestyles.

Marjorie Rah, OD, PhD, FAAO, shares brief highlights from her 2023 American Academy of Optometry poster, "Presbyopic Patient Assessment of a New Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Multifocal Contact Lens," which she presented during the annual meeting in New Orleans.

Editor's note: This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Emily Kaiser Maharjan:

Hi everyone. I'm Emily Kaiser Maharjan with Optometry Times and I'm sitting down with Dr. Marjorie Rah, who's here to talk about her AAOpt posters. Welcome Dr. Rah, so glad you could join us.

Marjorie Rah, OD, PhD, FAAO:

Thank you. I'm glad to be here.

Kaiser Maharjan:

Can you tell me a little bit more about the posters you presented at AAOpt?


Yes, absolutely. With the launch of our Infuse multifocal contact lens earlier this year, we wanted to share some clinical data on the lens at the Academy of Optometry.

So we have 2 posters. One poster talks about the 3 zone progressive design the Infuse lens has—the same 3 zone progressive design as the Ultra for Presbyopia lens. And my colleague, Dr. Jill Schaefer, presented information showing that patients who were fit in identical lens powers performed very well in both the Infused multifocal lens and the Ultra presbyopia lens. Showing that the lens design did transfer seamlessly to the calico con material and showing that now eye care practitioners can fit the 3 zone progressive design in a silicone hydrogel lens for both the monthly and daily disposable modality.

The second poster I presented was a large 20 site clinical study of habitual soft multifocal contact lens wearers. We fit them all in the Infused multifocal lens and had them wear it for 3 weeks and then assessed their vision and comfort with the lens at the 3 week visit. [There were] overwhelmingly positive responses for vision and comfort with the lens. Mid to high 90% favorable responses for both vision and comfort. So again, just showing that the Infused multifocal is a great new option for eye care practitioners to meet the dynamic vision needs of their presbyopic patients.

Kaiser Maharjan:

Fantastic, and what are the next steps in this research?


We will continue to evaluate and collect data on the comfort and vision performance of the lens out in the real world.

Kaiser Maharjan:

Awesome. And what does this mean for patients with presbyopia?


It gives them a daily disposable silicone hydrogel option that will fit their busy active lifestyles.

Kaiser Maharjan:

And that sounds absolutely fantastic. So in your opinion, what is the future of multifocal contact lens research?


We will continue to develop new innovative concepts and look for ways to continue to improve and meet the needs of presbyopic patients.

Kaiser Maharjan:

Fantastic. And is there anything else you want to mention that we haven't touched on?


No, other than I hope that everybody gets a chance to try the new lens.

Kaiser Maharjan:

All right. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to chat today, Dr. Rah, it's been an absolute delight to learn more about these multifocal lenses and I look forward to more research coming out on them.


Thank you.

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