As an all-in-one handheld device, eyecare practitioners can tailor patients’ needs for MGD treatment in both eyes in approximately 8 to 12 minutes.
The Systane iLux2 Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) Thermal Pulsation System can treat patients' needs in 8 to 12 minutes for both eyes. Image credit: Alcon.
Alcon announced Tuesday the launch of its Systane iLux2 Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) Thermal Pulsation System for the treatment of dry eye.
As an all-in-one handheld device, the company’s latest innovation is designed to deliver gentle warming and pressure directly to patients’ eyelids in order to unblock meibomian glands.
Imaging technology enables eyecare practitioners to tailor MGD treatment to patients’ needs in approximately 8 to 12 minutes for both eyes, according to a company news release.
Additionally, patients are able to view both their meibomian glands and treatment through infared imaging and HD video of the procedure. They may also experience results in as little as one week, the company reported.