Going mobile


You’re dating yourself if the song from The Who is going through your head after reading the headline of this editorial. Hmmm…maybe I am dating myself with the reference!

You’re dating yourself if the song from The Who is going through your head after reading the headline of this editorial. Hmmm…maybe I am dating myself with the reference!

I know I talked with you in this space not long ago about our new app. But I feel the need to talk about it again. It really is quite cool. If you haven’t taken a look yet, download it for free now! 

Our new app brings you our content on the go. Want to catch up on some professional reading while sitting on the train/on the plane/waiting for your kid’s soccer game to finish? The app is the best way to do that. Everything that’s in the print journal-and then some (coming soon)-awaits you. Soon, we’ll be bringing you app-exclusive content.

I especially like how crisp and clean our content looks. Articles are easy to read and digest. And don’t get me started on our pop-out charts and images. Slideshows make our clinical images really shine. It’s really cool that you can listen to our “OD Q&A” subject in his or her own words-the MP3 lives there in the app with the story.

I know I’m fan girling over our app. But guess what? You are, too! Each month, more of you are downloading it. Each month, our “cover-to-cover” readers are increasing. Those numbers tell us that you’re liking what you’re seeing, and you’re reading more of it. Data to warm the heart of an editor.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on where you’re reading Optometry Times via app. Drop me a line: gbailey@advanstar.com.ODT

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Katherine Talcott, MD, presenting slides
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Jessilin Quint, OD, MBA, FAAO, and Selina McGee, OD, FAAO
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