NovaSight's CureSight device proves effective in amblyopia treatment, study finds


The study found that visual acuity was 0.53 lines higher in the CureSight participant group than those treated with patching.

Child sitting in chair getting visual acuity tested by physician Image credit: AdobeStock/pressmaster

Image credit: AdobeStock/pressmaster

In a recent clinical study from NovaSight, the company’s CureSight treatment showed significantly greater improvements in visual acuity (VA) than traditional occlusion therapy, or patching.1 The study, “High-adherence dichoptic treatment versus patching in anisometropic and small angle strabismus amblyopia: a randomized controlled trial,” was published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology and evaluated the binocular eye-tracking device’s effectiveness in treating amblyopia, according to a news release.

“This important breakthrough in amblyopia treatment is a reflection of NovaSight’s innovative technology, in addition to the patients’ willingness to adhere to the CureSight regimen, which is better than patching, to which adherence is generally less than optimal,” Tamara Wygnanski-Jaffe, MD, the study’s lead author and head of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at Sheba Medical Center in Israel, said in the release. Wygnanski-Jaffe is also the newly elected President of the International Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Council.

The multicenter randomized controlled trial included a total of 149 children with amblyopia that were randomized to binocular treatment (n=75) or patching (n=74). After assignment, 4 participants in the binocular treatment and 2 participants in the patching group were found to be ineligible for the study. Results from the per protocol dataset, which included 54 CureSight-treated children and 56 children receiving patching treatment. The participants were assessed over a 16-week treatment period, with the CureSight group achieving a mean improvement in distance VA of 2.8 lines, a 0.53 line improvement from the patching group. Headaches were also less common for the binocular treatment group than in the patching group, which yielded 4% and 8% rates of incidence respectively.2 “Stereopsis and binocular acuity were also significantly improved,” the study authors noted. “It is reasonable to suggest this binocular treatment approach as a safe, engaging, and personalized alternative to patching.”

Adherence rates were also higher in CureSight users, with a median adherence rate of 94%. The patching group had an adherence rate of almost 84%. These rates ultimately led to a great effectiveness, as patching generally reports poor adherence.2 “Hence, the CureSight treatment may also be a viable and beneficial option for young children who do not adhere to patching,” the authors stated.

A questionnaire given to study participant parents found that 93% were satisfied with the CureSight system as a treatment for amblyopia, with 91% reporting that they were very likely or likely to choose the binocular treatment over patching for their children.2

According to NovaSight, CureSight was also recently approved by the Chinese NMPA, with plans to commercially launch the treatment in China by the end of 2024. The treatment is also available in the US and Europe.1

  1. NovaSight publishes study on CureSight digital eye-tracking device for amblyopia. News release. Eye Wire News. September 5, 2024. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  2. CureSight Pivotal Trial Group. Wyganski-Jaffe, Kushner BJ, Moshkovitz A, Blekin M, Yehezkel O. High-adherence dichoptic treatment versus patching in anisometropic and small angle strabismus amblyopia: a randomized controlled trial. Am Journal of Ophthal. August. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2024.08.011
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