“See Jane See” allows you to provide more information, such as downloadable tip sheets, to your female patients.
Chicago- Prevent Blindness America (PBA) launched “See Jane See-Women’s Healthy Eyes Now,” a Web-based educational campaign dedicated solely to women’s vision health. “See Jane See” and the dedicated Web site, SeeJaneSee.org, offers free information and downloadable tip sheets created specifically for women across the age spectrum. Information will include symptoms, causes and treatment options for a variety of conditions.
According to the 2012 “Vision Problems in the US” study, http://www.visionproblemsus.org/index.html 66 percent of those experiencing blindness are women, 61 percent of those suffering with cataracts are women, and 65 percent of those with age-related macular degeneration are women. The causes for these conditions, including age, hormonal factors, and certain autoimmune diseases, are often very different for women than for men and the precautions and treatments may differ as well.
Downloadable “See Jane See” fact sheets include: