Reviewing the latest contact lens launches


Check out expert insight on the most recent lens launches to expand the options accessible to our patients based on their specific needs.

The contact lens market has always been bustling with new and innovative contact lenses for all types of patients. This is a fantastic opportunity for optometrists to expand the options accessible to patients based on their specific needs.

There are 3 newer contact lenses on the market, each with its own benefits: Bausch + Lomb Infuse, Alcon Precision 1, and Alcon Dailies Total 1 Toric.

I have fitted numerous patients with all 3 contact lenses, which has allowed me to learn more about the latest additions. These specific brands have demonstrated that there is a contact lens for everyone with a variety of specific needs.

Bausch + Lomb Infuse

To begin, consider the Bausch + Lomb Infuse contact lenses (Figure 1). These are a great addition to any optometrist’s contact lens toolbox, especially when fitting new contact lens wearers. The training for insertion and removal of the lens is the most challenging component of any new fit.

For all patients, learning how to use the lenses and gaining control over the learning process is a frustrating experience. The Infuse lens has been the go-to initial lens for all of my patients with spherical refractive errors. It is well tolerated by the younger population, ages 10 to 25, and has reduced average training sessions by more than a few minutes.

In terms of cost, my patients and parents of my patients have been pleased with the $300 rebate when purchasing an annual supply.

The Infuse lens is currently available only in spherical parameters. The toric launch is in the works but is not yet available. While the Infuse has its place in the younger pool of patients, older patients with any preexisting dry eye symptoms have reported discomfort, making it difficult to wear all day.

Though the lens was marketed to have cutting-edge ProBalance Technology aimed to optimize ocular surface homeostasis to minimize dryness, I have found that for patients with preexisting dry eyes, there may be better options.1

AlconDailies Total 1 for Astigmatism

Dailies Total 1 (DT1) (Figure 2) contacts are recognized for their superior capability to retain hydration, ensuring that wearers have a healthy ocular surface all day. For patients with mild to moderate dry eye symptoms, DT1 is frequently the lens of choice.

Despite the superior technology, the brand had restrictions owing to the fact that the only spherical parameters were available. The launch of the toric line opens doors to patients with astigmatic refractive errors. While the lens is still the best option for dry eyes, I've found that spherical lenses are more comfortable for patients than toric lenses. As the lenses have just recently been released, more time may be required to draw firm conclusions on the disparity. Depending on the demographic of patients, the high cost of the DT1 contacts may be a barrier. The new toric line is no exception, as it is one of the most expensive lenses we offer at our office.

Alcon Precision 1

The Alcon Precision 1 (Figure 3) has taken its place as the DT1’s sister lens. Since its debut, he Precision 1 has been a huge hit in our office. The lens is the most commonly recommended lens for my seasoned contact lens patients in their 20s through 40s because it is both inexpensive and comfortable. The lens is available in both spherical and toric parameters, allowing it to be used by a wide range of patients. I have switched many patients into Precision 1 lenses, and it has been received with enthusiasm.

On the other hand, the lens, like the DT1, is thin and slippery, making it difficult for first-time wearers to insert and remove the lens. While the lens is popular among both young and middle-aged patients, the Dailies total 1 still reigns for providing the best comfort for those with mild to moderate dry eyes. That being said, the Precision 1 lens is able to provide adequate comfort to those with mild dry eyes. It’s safe to say that it has a lens I gravitate towards often for my patients.

Bausch + Lomb Infuse


  • Easy to handle, perfect for first-time wearers
  • Liked by younger patients
  • Great price point with $300 rebate


  • Only in spherical at this time, no toric parameters
  • Not well tolerated among patients with dry eye syndrome

Alcon® Dailies Total 1 Toric


  • Reigns as the best contacts for patients with dry eye syndrome
  • Great toric stability
  • Easy refit for patients with dry eye symptoms


  • Not easy to handle for first-time wearers
  • Hefty price point
  • Not as hydrating as DT1 spherical line

Alcon® Precision 1 Spherical & Toric


  • More affordable alternative to DT1
  • Great toric stability
  • Recommend for patients who have mild dry eye symptoms


  • Not easy to handle for first-time wearers
  • Not as hydrating as DT1

The addition of these 3 contacts lenses to the variety of contact lens alternatives we have at our disposal simply adds to the possibilities we can offer our patients. There is a place for each contact lens brand in every practice, from new young patients who are struggling with insertion and removal instruction to our seasoned patients who might benefit from a lens that is more suited for dry eyes.

Euin Cheong, OD, is a low vision and contact lens specialist at an MD/OD practice in Concord, Massachusetts.
1. Infused for Balance. Bausch + Lomb. Accessed August 11, 2022.
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