Study of truck drivers and DME shows vision loss, impact on income


Do you have truck-driver patients? Find out why they’re at higher risk for diabetes and resulting vision and income loss.

Chicago-A new study found that persons in the commercial truck driving industry were at heightened risk for developing diabetes and diabetic macular edema (DME) due to:

  • Limited healthy food choices on the road.

  • Limited opportunities to exercise.

  • Unwillingness to start insulin therapy due to perceptions surrounding regulations on commercial vehicle operation and insulin use.

The study also found that the mean total annualized out-of-pocket costs for diabetes-and DME-related care was $4,743.

Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America, said: "The economic impact from this study alone should serve as a wake-up call to the public and our public servants that this issue must be addressed today in order to protect our future. We look forward to expanding on this study to demonstrate how imperative it is to continue to fund research and expand programs related to this epidemic disease.”

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