SuccessEHS 6.1 EHR integrates with Welch Allyn devices


SuccessEHS and Welch Allyn Inc. have integrated four Welch Allyn devices with the SuccessEHS 6.1 electronic health record (EHR) and practice management solution: Connex ProBPT 3400 digital blood pressure device, Connex Integrated Wall System, Connex Vital Signs Monitor, and Spot Vital Signs LXi.

Birmingham, AL-SuccessEHS and Welch Allyn Inc. have integrated four Welch Allyn devices with the SuccessEHS 6.1 electronic health record (EHR) and practice management solution. The devices are the Connex ProBPT 3400 digital blood pressure device, Connex Integrated Wall System, Connex Vital Signs Monitor, and Spot Vital Signs LXi.

Incorporating the Welch Allyn devices with SuccessEHS 6.1 enables seamless data collection by delivering patient data directly into the patient's electronic chart. This integration can help increase clinical workflow efficiency, reduce data transcription errors, and enhance patient care.

“Medical device integration allows our clients to enhance performance and eliminate manual documentation required to meet Meaningful Use," said Tiffani Collins, director of client services for SuccessEHS.

SuccessEHS is a nationally acclaimed vendor providing EHR and practice management solutions with integrated medical billing services.

Welch Allyn, headquartered in Skaneateles Falls, NY, offers many digital and connected diagnostic solutions.

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