The World Council of Optometry (WCO) recently launched two new membership categories: individual and corporate membership.
London-The World Council of Optometry (WCO) recently launched two new membership categories: individual and corporate membership.
WCO says it has introduced these categories in order to make the organization accessible to those who want to support its work.
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Individual membership will be open to individual optometrists (as defined by WCO), vision scientists, faculty, researchers, and eyecare industry professionals. The cost of individual membership is $100 and $50 if the individual member is from a developing country.
Corporate memberships are open to commercial organizations that are not otherwise eligible for associate or affiliate membership and have a recognized and approved business relationship with an associate, affiliate or individual member.
According to the organization, individual and corporate members must endorse the WCO concept of optometry and support WCO's vision and mission. The fee for corporate membership is $900 per annum.