You and Eye: What optometrists need to know about low vision


Professor and chief of low vision rehabilitation service Patrick D. Yoshinaga, OD, MPH, FAAO, chats with Dr Korik about assistive tech, AI, and accessibility for patients with low vision.

Patrick D. Yoshinaga, OD, MPH, FAAO, professor and chief of low vision rehabilitation service at Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University joins host Miriam Korik, OD, on a deep dive into what low vision rehab entails. Assistive tech, diagnosis, occupational therapy referrals, and AI–all and more are discussed as these two experts discuss the the big picture and minutia of care for patients with low vision.

Follow Dr Korik on social media:

Instagram: @mirrrcatt, @dr_miri_k

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