Charissa Lee, OD, MBA, FAAO; Ryan Corte, OD; Roxanne Achong-Coan OD, FAAO, FIAOMC, FSLS, Dip CCLRT; and Nishan Pressley, OD; give their insights on distinguishing the best candidates for contact lens wear.
Vision Expo East 2025: An exclusive Q&A with CLI panelists on recent research – Part 1
Charissa Lee, OD, MBA, FAAO; Ryan Corte, OD; Roxanne Achong-Coan OD, FAAO, FIAOMC, FSLS, Dip CCLRT; and Nishan Pressley, OD; give their insights on recent Contact Lens Institute research on contact lens purchase factors and Google searches.
VEW: Creating a contact lens culture in your practice
The Contact Lens Institute and The Vision Council presented a sneak peek of its forthcoming report, “The Culture Calculation: Data-Backed Behaviors for Contact Lens Success,” which will be published in mid-October 2023.
AOA 2023: Push for diversity, equity, and inclusion in optometry
Charissa Lee discusses diversity, equity, and inclusion within her role at Johnson & Johnson Vision and in the industry overall.