Podcast: Contact lenses will do more than correct refractive error
Contact lenses have more to offer than only refractive error correction
Podcast: OCT is a dynamic test
Podcast: Contact lens wear is a healthy option for kids
Podcast: Find out more about Allergan’s presbyopia drop NDA filing
Potential presbyopia treatment coming
Podcast: Prisoner presents wearing cosmetic lenses for 4 months
The county jail calls upon Dr. Casella's services
Podcast: Applying for round 2 PPP loan
Podcast: Dr. Ben Casella muses on COVID-19 and vaccine
Podcast: Celebrate World Glaucoma Week March 7-13, 2021
Glaucoma reminders for ODs during World Glaucoma Week
Podcast: Alliance for Patient Safety chair talks contact lenses and the FTC
Dr. Alexander, chair of the Alliance for Patient Safety, discusses recent changes from the FTC on contact lenses.
Podcast: Optometry Times® news summary 12/31/2020
Optometry news updates
Podcast: Look back at contact lenses in 2020
Dr. Casella and Gretchyn cover new contact lens technology, specialty lenses, myopia and more.
Defocus Media: Know the building blocks for vision therapy
Dr. Jennifer Lyerly talks vision therapy with Dr. Joanna Carter. Take a listen!
Vision Innovation - Achieving Individualized Patient Experiences
New drop for neurotrophic keratitis uses human nerve growth factor
Q&A: Justin Kwan, OD, FAAO Assistant professor and chief of cornea and contact lens services, Marshall B. Ketchum University
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. My dad worked in the tech industry; he’s an electrical engineer by training.