2021 optometry meetings update


Vision Expo East and SECO have already pushed back, while summer and fall meetings remain slated for their original dates

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to affect travel and in-person meetings, many industry groups have rescheduled their large national and international meetings—some more than once—to later in 2021.

Related: Vision Expo East 2021 reschedules

VEE changes date, location

The Vision Council and Reed Exhibitions, the groups who organize and execute Vision Expo East and Vision Expo West, recently rescheduled Vision Expo East (VEE) 2021 to late spring.

Normally held at the Javits Center in New York City in early spring, the meeting was initially pushed back to late May in the same location.

Now, the meeting will take place June 2-5 in a new location: the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. This venue hosted the American Academy of Optometry’s (AAO) annual meeting in October 2019.

Vision Expo organizers say in a statement that the decision was based on the current restrictions on large gatherins in New York State and the successsful track record of previous events held at the Orange County Convention Center.

Related: SECO 2021 reschedules from February to April

“With strict limitations on large gatherings still in place in New York, we wanted to find a suitable location that would allow us to provide the exceptional Vision Expo experience that the community needs and deserves,” says Mitch Barkley, vice president of trade shows and meetings at The Vision Council, in a statement.

“Given its track record of successfully hosting more than 50 in-person events between March 2020 and December 2020, we are confident the right decision is to move the show to the Orange County Convention Center as the new 2021 host site in order to give our customers every opportunity to network and share their new products. We are committed to getting back to business and growing our industry.”


The Southeastern Congress of Optometry (SECO), organized by the Southern Council of Optometrists, traditionally takes place in late February or early March in Atlanta.

In early November 2020, organizers announced that the 2021 meeting will be pushed back to April 28-May 2.

SECO 2021 is currently planned to be an in-person even with an option for virtual attendance.


Originally scheduled to take place May 2-6 in San Francisco, the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology’s (ARVO) 2021 annual meeting will be fully virtual.

ARVO’s board of announced in early December 2020 that due to travel restrictions and venue capacity, the annual meeting will be not be held in person but virtual only.


The American Optometric Association’s (AOA) annual meeting, Optometry’s Meeting, is slated to take place June 24-26 in Anaheim, CA.


Vision Expo West (VEW) and AAO annual meeting are calendared for the fall.

VEW will take place September 22-25 in Las Vegas, and AAO is scheduled for November 3-6 in Bosston.

Recent Videos
Steven T. Reed, OD, talks Optometry's Meeting and public-facing initiatives that optometrists can take advantage of.
The Vision Council CEO Ashley Mills overviews what is new and exciting at this year's show, running from February 19-22 in Orlando, Florida, and provides a free registration code for those still looking to register.
Bonnie An Henderson, MD, the cofounder and program director of EnVision Summit
Roya Attar gives an overview of her presentation, "Decoding the Retina: The Value of Genetic Testing In Inherited Disorders," presented with Mohammad Rafieetary, OD, FAAO, FORS, ABO, ABCMO.
Mohammad Rafieetary, OD, FAAO, FORS, Dipl ABO, ABCMO, discusses diagnostic confusion that can be encountered when identifying macular edema in patients.
ODs share what they learned at this year's Academy meeting and what they plan to take home to their practices.
Dana Shannon, OD, FAAO, details The Contact Lens Instiute's latest report, The Dropout Dilemma.
Steve Ferrucci, OD, FAAO, discussed the detection and treatment of geographic atrophy during his AAOpt 2024 lecture, "Imaging Techniques and Emerging Therapies for Geographic Atrophy."
Ahmad Fahmy at AAOpt on neurotrophic pain in OSD
Jamie Kuzniar, OD, FAAO, FSLS, overviews the basics on what to look out for complications-wise in corneal transplant patients that may require a referral.
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