As myopia prevalence continues to increase, there is a growing concern about myopia’s economic burden and effects on children, specifically on their visual impairment and quality of life. The consequences of myopia and high myopia can be delayed by implementing myopia management therapies.
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Many current articles on myopia contain a citation to the 2016 study by Holden et al, which discusses the increasing prevalence of myopia worldwide.1 At the time of the study, approximately 23% of the world’s population had myopia, with a predicted increase to 50% by the year 2050. The highest prevalence rates were found in Asia-Pacific countries, with East Asia, Southeast Asia, and North America not far behind.1 This meta-analysis confirmed that the prevalence of myopia was high and would continue to increase if no corrections were introduced; however, traditional corrections were proving ineffective. The rising concern surrounding this myopia epidemic is related to the numerous consequences of high myopia, including vision impairment, economic burden, and decreased quality of life (QOL).
Myopia is a mismatch between the ocular power of the eye and the axial length, resulting in blurred distance vision.2 The typical onset of myopia occurs in children aged 6 to 9 years.3 This is considered juvenile-onset or school-age myopia, which is different from pathological myopia, a condition characterized by excessive axial elongation resulting in structural changes to the posterior segment of the eye.2 The earlier the age of onset, the more at risk an individual is for developing high myopia because there is a longer period for myopia to progress.4
The level of hyperopia that a child has at a certain age can be a risk factor for developing myopia. At 6 years of age, a child should have a refractive error of +0.75 D or greater; any less and they are more likely to develop myopia.5 Additionally, individuals with myopia show faster axial elongation in the 2 to 3 years preceding myopia onset.6
Genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors for myopia development have been identified. Parental myopia increases the risk of myopia development; having 1 myopic parent increases a child’s likelihood by a factor of 3, and having 2 myopic parents increases the likelihood by a factor of 5-6.7 However, genomewide association studies are only able to account for 8% of the phenotypic variation.8 With the rapid increase in the prevalence of myopia and the limited genetic variability over the same period, it is more likely that environmental and behavioral factors are responsible for myopia development. Specifically, strong evidence supports that time outdoors, light intensity, and near work all play a role in reducing myopia development and progression.9 Increasing time spent outdoors is thought to delay myopia onset because it is associated with reduced myopia prevalence.10 The recommendation is 2 hours per day or 10 hours per week.11 Additionally, increasing near working distance and the number of breaks in continuous near work is associated with reduced risk of myopia.12
The fight against myopia is propelled by the concern of potential long-term ocular complications. Individuals with myopia are at an increased risk of cataracts, glaucoma, myopic macular degeneration, and retinal detachment.13 All of these complications are a result of the eye growing longer, which causes the retina and choroid to thin. Myopic maculopathy is the most characteristic complication and results in vision loss due to atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium.14 It is one of the most common causes of visual impairment among individuals with myopia.4 As myopia progresses and axial length continues to increase, the risk for visual impairment increases. Tideman et al found that an axial length of 26 mm or greater is significantly associated with an increased lifetime risk for visual impairment.15
The risk for these ocular diseases increases with increasing levels of myopia; however, there is no safe level of myopia. For each diopter increase in myopia, the risk of myopic maculopathy increases by 67%. However, slowing myopia by 1 diopter reduces the likelihood of developing myopic maculopathy by 40%.16 Therefore, the practitioner’s primary goal should be to delay the onset of myopia. Once myopia develops, interventions should be implemented to slow myopia progression.
Uncorrected refractive error is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and the leading cause of moderate and severe vision impairment.17 Thus the economic burden of myopia is significant, resulting in direct costs (eg, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the condition) and productivity loss (eg, examination time, time away from work or home).18
The earlier a child develops myopia and the longer they have the condition, the greater the total economic burden is. The cost associated with examinations and materials varies between countries and even between regions. In systematic review data from 2015, researchers found the global potential productivity loss was $244 billion from uncorrected myopia and $6 billion from myopic maculopathy.19 Older individuals with myopia and those who live in rural areas were less likely to have adequate optical correction. On a global scale, East Asia is the hardest-hit region in terms of greatest potential burden. Naidoo et al concluded that the potential productivity loss from vision impairment by uncorrected myopia was significantly greater than the cost of correcting myopia.19
The cost of active myopia management therapies has been compared with the traditional methods of myopia correction. Agyekum et al found that in Hong Kong atropine had a cost-effectiveness ratio of $220 per spherical equivalent refractive error reduction, whereas outdoor activity saved $5 per spherical equivalent reduction.20 The lifetime cost of traditional myopia correction in China was $8006, compared with antimyopia spectacles ($7280) and low-dose atropine ($4453). Therefore, active myopia management therapies are of equal or lesser cost compared with traditional correction of myopia alone.21
Patient-reported outcomes are becoming more salient because these myopia interventions are being used specifically for children. Although children can adapt readily, they also may not voice their concerns or understand what is normal or abnormal.
In a recent review on myopia management interventions and their effect on vision-related QOL, Lipson et al found that QOL was higher for children wearing orthokeratology lenses compared with those wearing single-vision spectacles or single-vision soft contact lenses.22 Additionally, contact lenses have been shown to improve children’s self-perception compared with spectacles in terms of physical appearance, athletic competence, and social acceptance.23
Myopia is a global epidemic and a public health concern. Eye care providers should be implementing myopia management therapies as the standard of care for all children with myopia and potentially those with premyopia. The basis of this clinical practice is to shift perspective and view myopia as a sight-threatening disease rather than a simple refractive error. Practitioners must educate patients and parents on the short- and long-term consequences of myopia and the current options to slow myopia progression, including spectacle lenses, low-dose atropine, soft peripheral defocus contact lenses, and orthokeratology lenses. As the prevalence of myopia continues to rise, these therapies should be implemented to combat the vision impairment, economic burden, and decreased quality of life associated with myopia.