NOA 2024: Past president speaks on organization's continued initiatives


Sherrol A Reynolds, OD, speaks on event highlights from this year's NOA convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Sherrol A. Reynolds, OD, gives insight into her highlights from this year's National Optometric Association (NOA) Convention, which shone a spotlight on advocating for visual health for minority populations, in an exclusive interview with Optometry Times.

Video transcript

Editor's note: This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Sherrol A. Reynolds, OD:

Hi, my name is Dr. Sherrol Reynolds and I am past president of the National Optometric Association or the NOA. And I'm so pleased to have Optometry Times come to our convention here in Philadelphia.

The National Optometric Association is an organization that has been around for over 50 years and that has been dedicated to our mission of advancing the visual health of minority populations. And we're so pleased to have close to 20 hours of continuing education at this conference. We're so pleased to have students and our National Optometric Student Association here, doctors, our corporate partners that we're so thankful for, as well as other sponsors and supporters. Yesterday we had a great panel discussion on diversity that was centered on the Johnson & Johnson initiative to address these issues as well as the NOA's initiative to address these issues. And we would like to have you come to our convention next year and that will be held in Columbus, Ohio. The National Optometric Association again is not only committed to advancing the visual health of minority populations through our student programs or doctors into our relationship, but we know these are challenging times that we're in and it's important to have these conversations. So please join us, again, in Columbus, Ohio for our convention in 2025. Thank you.

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