Why ODs should treat dry eye
The condition is everywhere, and your patients need you.
Remember the basics as dry eye treatments expand
Because of its prevalence, it’s more important than ever that ODs are well versed in DED.
Go beyond fish oil with astaxanthin in krill oil
This carotenoid helps with dry eye, glaucoma, AMD, eye fatigue, and more.
Cotton-wool spots lead to tissue loss and RNFL defect
RNFL defects are associated with glaucomatous optic neuropathy and secondary to optic disc drusen.
SD-OCT shows schisis advancements due to sickle cell
Retinoschisis can make diagnosing open-angle glaucoma especially difficult for optometrists.
Why OAB should be considered before cataract removal
Discontinuation of OAB medication dramatically improves the signs and symptoms of dry eye in a 65-year-old patient.
Unlock the potential of refractive surgery
Modern refractive surgery offers additional approaches for collaborative patient care.
Cataract surgery problem solving: Is technology the answer?
New techniques and technologies are expanding the optometrist’s role in cataract surgery
Macular diseases: Emerging best practices for diagnosis, management and follow-up protocols
A modern approach to macular disease means previously untreatable patients can be helped.
Look at more than the optic nerve head in glaucoma patients
Epiretinal membranes can affect accuracy of a glaucooma diagnosis and disease monitoring
Sights are set on perfect vision in 2020
New guidelines in OSD evaluation before surgery
OSD evaluation remains imperative before cataract referral, even in asymptomatic patients.
5 exam findings that should spur a neuro referral
Patients can benefit from a referral to a neuro-optometrist when these 5 findings are present
Corneo-scleral topography allows for precise fitting
Scleral contact lenses, academia and mentoring students, sushi, skydiving
Meet Pam Satjawatcharaphong, OD, FAAO, FSLS, Assistant clinical professor at UC Berkeley School of Optometry and President of Scleral Lens Education Society.
New perspective and technologies affect glaucoma treatment
Look beyond intraocular pressure for diagnosis and treatment